
32 wipe-clean pages (dari karton tebal glossy) + wipe-clean pen - Soft Cover (Spiral Binding) - 11.5 x 26.5 cm ketebalan 1 cm - Language: English - Priddy Books US
 Berisi activity-activity seru seperti tempel-tempel stickers, picture matching, drawing, look and find, tic tac toe, word search, dot-to-dot connection, memory ... [View Detail]

32 wipe-clean pages (dari karton tebal glossy) + wipe-clean pen - Soft Cover (Spiral Binding) - 11.5 x 26.5 cm ketebalan 1 cm - Language: English - Priddy Books US
 Berisi activity-activity seru seperti tempel-tempel stickers, picture matching, drawing, look and find, tic tac toe, word search, dot-to-dot connection, memory ... [View Detail]

12 pages of scratch & 27 pages of sketch story - Hard Cover (spiral binding) - 15.5 x 21.7 cm ketebalan 1.5 cm - Language: English - Autumn Publishing UK
 Art activity book yg super keren!
Ada 12 gambar yang bisa di scratch. gambar-gambar nya seperti astronot, roket luar angkasa, planet, dan benda-benda lua... [View Detail]

24 pages (kertas tebal glossy) - Hard Cover - 12x22cm - Language: English - Igloo Books Ltd England
 How long was a knight's sword?
How did people escape from a castle under siege?
How much does a suit of armour weigh?
Answer all these ques... [View Detail]

80 pages - Soft Cover - 20.3 × 20.3 × 1 cm - Language: English - Make Believe Ideas, Ltd UK
 Di tiap halamannya ada gambar atau background bertemakan Emoji. Keluarkan kreatifitas & kreasimu untuk melengkapi gambarnya atau berkreasi membuat pattern, dan ... [View Detail]

Letterland Big Picture Code Cards (Lowercase) - isi 46 super sized cards - size 19 x 24.7 cm ketebalan 1.8 cm, Letterland Starter Packs CDs - Isi 4 CD - size 14 x 25 cm, Letterland ABC with Audio CD Inside! - Isi 58 pages - size 26 x 22 cm, Letterland A-Z Copymasters - isi 64 Pages - size 21 x 29.7 cm, Letterland Early Years Handwriting Copymasters - isi 48 Pages - size 21 x 29.7 cm, Letterland Early Years Handbook - isi 79 Pages - size 21 x 29.7 cm, Letterland Alphabet Frieze – 7 bright sect - Kemasan box ukuran 31x45 cm ketebalan 6.5 cm - - Language: English - Letterland UK
 Starter Pack dirancang khusus untuk untuk guru taman kanak-kanak dan pra-sekolah. Setiap sumber pengajaran telah dipilih dengan cermat untuk memberikan pengenal... [View Detail]

Grammar Teachers Guide with Resource CD - Isi 116 Pages - soft cover (spiral Spiral Binding) - size 21 x 29.7 cm, Grammar Copymasters – Isi 64 Pages - soft cover - 21 x 29.7 cm, Grammar Posters – 4 bright grammar posters - size 21.2 x 30.5 cm, Letter Sound Cards – Isi 173 Pages - size 8.6 x 13 cm - kemasan box ukuran 31.3x 45.3 cm ketebalan 6.5 cm - - Language: English - Letterland UK
 Grammar Pack sangat cocok untuk memperkenalkan konsep tata bahasa di Tahap Kunci 1. Berbagai sumber pengajaran akan membantu menghidupkan konsep tata bahasa seh... [View Detail]

3 buah Letterland Story phonics Book & Audio CD - Soft Cover - Size 21.4x26 cm + 2 Buah Letterland Activity Book - Soft Cover - Size 29.8x21 cm + Letterland Phonics Teachers guide - Soft Cover (Spiral Binding) - Size 29.7x22 cm + Letterland Vocabulary cards - Kemasan Box Ukuran 25x19.3x3.3 cm - Isi 83 Super Sized Cards + Letterland Picture Code Cards (straight) - Kemasan Box Ukuran 17x18.4x2.8 cm - Isi 94 Cards + Letterland Vowel Scene Posters - Soft Cover - Ukuran 30x21.4 cm + letterland Class - Kemasan Box ukuran 30x42 cm ketebalan 6.5 cm - - Language: English - Letterland UK
 Classroom Pack yang lengkap sangat cocok untuk mengajar anak-anak membaca, menulis, dan mengeja dengan percaya diri. Berbagai sumber pengajaran akan membantu m... [View Detail]

Power Pen + 2 Learning Cards Box Set (Reading Comprehension Grade 1 & 2) masing-masing cards ukuranya 20.4x12.8 cm - kemasan box bahan board tebal keras - Ukuran power pen 20x7.5 cm, Ukuran masing-masing box 21.7x13.6 cm ketebalan 6.2 cm - Language: English - Teacher Created Resources Australia
 Yukkk belajar latihan reading comprehension bersama Power Pen Ranger Rick dan 2 Learning cards yang sangat seru inii!!
Power Pen Ranger Rick ini bisa ngo... [View Detail]

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