Sophie Hinchliffe, known as Mrs Hinch, is a British influencer whose Instagram account features tips for home cleaning.
Hello! Mrs Hinch here! Welcome to your very own Hinch activity journal!
This little book is all about giving yourself the gift of time out: time to plan, time to dream, time to relax, time for us to have a bit of a giggle and a de-stress.
We all live such busy lives and it can be hard to take a moment just to breathe, but I want this book to be all about YOU. Something that we can all enjoy together.
So, make yourself a cuppa and curl up with this journal on the sofa in the mornings, or use it to wind down every evening before bed; whenever you get a spare few moments - just don't forget your crystal pen, as there are loads of relaxing, light-hearted activities for you to have fun with. Plus plenty of pages for you to plan your own hinching lists ready for the week ahead.
Read from start to finish or dip in on random pages - there are absolutely no rules here! Think of it as a book-shaped slice of you time. You deserve it!
Love, Mrs Hinch xx
Yuk Luangkan 5 Menit Sehari Saja untuk Membacakan Buku ke Anak! ;) Bunda, 5 meniiiit ajaa in a day luangkan waktu yuk utk membaca buku bareng si kecil ;)
Saat bedtime tuh bisa jadi waktu yang oke banget buat ayah bunda untuk membacakan cerita.
Tidak usah cerita yg panjang2 kalau baru akan memulai membiasakan si kecil membaca buku bersama, pilih buku yang banyak... [Read More]
Xmas is Coming.. Yuk kasi hadiah buku ajaa utk buah hati kitaa ;) Moms & dads, Christmas bentar lagi datang neeeh...
Bingung cari kado yang oke utk si kecil? Kadoin buku ajaa ;)
Banyaaak banget manfaatnya loh kalau kita biasakan si kecil suka buku sejak dini.
Manfaat nya antara lain:
- Memperluas kosa kata dan wawasan anak
- Merangsang memori... [Read More] menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak,
seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books,
sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya.
Warehouse Location: Sunter, Jakarta Utara, Indonesia.
Hubungi kami di SMS/Call: 082111553509, Email:, YM ID: bukugaby, PIN BB: 2AEC8231