P is For Puppy Touch and Feel Board Book - (A Book of Cuddly Puppies to Share With Your Baby)
Book Title
P is For Puppy Touch and Feel Board Book - (A Book of Cuddly Puppies to Share With Your Baby)
Book Type
Touch and Feel Board Book
Priddy Books (UK)
18 board pages with touch and feel texture on each spread
Hard Cover
23 x 21 cm ketebalan 2.5 cm
650 grams
Recommended Age
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With bright photographs of adorable puppies and soft, furry textures to feel, P is for Puppy is the perfect first book to share with your baby. Each cuddly puppy is accompanied with gentle, rhyming text which will engage a child. Every page also features a soft, furry, touch-and-feel texture to explore- great for stimulating senses anddeveloping early motor skills.
Berisi foto-foto puppy yang sangat hidup dan cuteee.
Dan disertai dengan cerita simple tentang puppy
Ada macam-macam touchy-feely texture yang bisa diraba-raba untuk men-stimulasi indra peraba anak.
texture nya berupa : bulu halus, texture leather, kain halus, dll.
Yuk Luangkan 5 Menit Sehari Saja untuk Membacakan Buku ke Anak! ;) Bunda, 5 meniiiit ajaa in a day luangkan waktu yuk utk membaca buku bareng si kecil ;)
Saat bedtime tuh bisa jadi waktu yang oke banget buat ayah bunda untuk membacakan cerita.
Tidak usah cerita yg panjang2 kalau baru akan memulai membiasakan si kecil membaca buku bersama, pilih buku yang banyak... [Read More]
Xmas is Coming.. Yuk kasi hadiah buku ajaa utk buah hati kitaa ;) Moms & dads, Christmas bentar lagi datang neeeh...
Bingung cari kado yang oke utk si kecil? Kadoin buku ajaa ;)
Banyaaak banget manfaatnya loh kalau kita biasakan si kecil suka buku sejak dini.
Manfaat nya antara lain:
- Memperluas kosa kata dan wawasan anak
- Merangsang memori... [Read More]
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